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Mercurius politicus, Number 431, 26th August-2nd September 1658 E.756[13]

In the mean while, part of the Spanish Forces lately passing;
the Po, had the confidence with some Shels and Petards
to attempt Valentia by surprise, at the time when the Governer
thereof, the Marquis or Belavoir, was absent, he being
then gone to the Leagure before Mortare with a Convoy;
but the Enemy notwithstanding found there such entertainment,
that they were glad to retire, re infecta.
The Account of affairs in the carrying on the siege against
Mortare, is particularly this. On the 8. of this month, the
Marquis of Givry Lievtenant General, gave orders for
erecting the Battery and planting the Canon, which was
very well advanced.
On the 9. about break of day, this Battery began to
play, having 8. Pieces mounted on it, which did so good
Execution, that it battered that of the Enemies, and dismounted
five of their Canons. Also, the Duke of Modena,
General, came this evening into the Trench, and continued
there all night.
On the 10 the Trenches were carried on with no less sucess
than before, and the Regiment of Navarre proceeded very
nigh to the Contrescarpe of the Half-moon. where Prince
Almeric had a Captain slain close by his side.
On the 11. the design was promoted further; and on the
12. about midnight, the said Regiment of Navarre lodged
themselves upon the Contrescarpe of the Half-moon, where
they assured themselves the night following with the losse of
very few men, among which the Sieur de Ravillac Lieut. of
the said Regiment was slain, and the Sieur de St. Leon a
Captaine was wounded. Also, the same night, 300 of the
Enemies horse drawn out of Pavia advanced toward the
French Leagure, with resolution to have made their way
through into Mortare as a releef, and under the favor of a
wood they made a shift to get neere; but being discovered
by the Guard of horse, they were forced to retire.
Since which time, the siege is so farr promoted that they
are become possessed of the Half-moon, and the Miner
being now at work, it is presumed they will in a short time
Master the place,.
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