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Mercurius politicus, Number 548, 30th December 1658-6th January 1659 E.761[2]

to storm it with more resolution then before. The Passes of
the Swedish for all the Allies of Poland to meet in treaty at
Braunsberg, are ready at Stettin: the Swedish would have
the business promoted with speed, that they might come together
to the treaty, but our King will delay yet till Thoren
be reduced; which if surrendred, then the King may think
fit to condescend, that a general Peace be made with all those
that are concerned therein.
From Hamburgh, 27 Dec.
The King of Denmark hath granted Commissions to levy
ten Regiments; among the Commanders, are the Colonels,
Lobrest, Holstein, Capelle.
At Coppenhagen are arrived 19 Scutes laden with Corn,
Meal, Gun-powder, and other Provisions.
We hear from Flensburg, that Norburg also is surrendred
upon discreation to the Prince Elector of Brandenburg.
We have Letters from Dantzick, which intimate, that
the City of Thoren is upon a Parley; but what the conditions
will be, we are to expect with the next.
The following Address from Yarmouth having been presented
to his Highness, he was pleased to make a return, by
expressions of his gracious acceptance of the good affections
of that Corporation.
To his Highness Richard Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Dominions
and Territories thereunto belonging.
The humble Addresse of the Bayliff, Aldermen and Common
Council of the Corporation of great Yarmouth in Common-Council
WE cannot without deepest and most sad resentments
remember that late dark Dispensation of the most
wise God in taking out of this World your Highness most
renowned Father the Prince and Leader of his people in these
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