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Mercurius politicus, Number 549, 6th-13th January 1659 E.761[4]

the Conferences held betwixt the Ambassador of France, the
Resident of England, and the Deputies appointed by the
States General for that purpose.
From Prague; Decemb. 18.
At Vienna, the Envoye of the new Prince of Transylvania,
hath been frequent in conference with Curtz and the other
Imperial Ministers. A Treaty likewise hath been held
secretly betwixt them and the Ambassadors which came from
Constantinople, who are very earnest in inveighing against the
Arms taken up by Price Ragotzi to disturb the said new
Prince, and presse hard, that Ragotzi may have no countenance
given him by his Imperiall Majesty, because he seems to
be strong enough of himself, having already forced the Bashaw
of Buda to recall most of his Forces which were about Sena,
as also those which were sent into Walachia and Moldavia.
The Levies are continued in this Kingdome of Bohemia,
as also in the other hereditary Countries of the Emperour
who intends ere spring to collect an Army of above 40000.
for pay of which hee hath demanded a great summ of the
Estates of Bohemia, which are at this time here assembled,
but they have not as yet taken any resolution about it.
From Venice, Decemb. 12.
Although foul weather hath hindred us from receiving any
Letters out of the Levant, yet we have some Particulars another
way which Pelate, that our Generalissimo Morosini having
dismissed sixteen Men of Warr, of which part arrived
here the last week, he had also sent the rest of his Armada into
the Ports where they are to Winter. As also, that the Turks
have been forced to abandon the Forts which they had taken
towards Martinengo, to Attaque this Fort. And that divers
ships, laden with Ammunition, expected at Zante the Men
of Warr to convoy them into the Kingdome of Candia, because
the Places of Tripoli and Barbarie make it very dangerous
to saile that way.
From Dalma[unr]ia we have news, that the Proveditor General
be[unr] do, being retuned from Spalatro to Zante, prepares
to goe towards Cattaro, having been advertised that his presence
was very needfull there.
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