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Mercurius politicus, Number 549, 6th-13th January 1659 E.761[4]

perswaded this is but an imperfect taste and earnest of better
things in store treasured up for us, to be communicated in the
fuller age of your Government. It was the honor of that
famous Ruler, now in his Grave, that neglecting his own, he
had a natural care for the things of Christ, of which, that
Reformed Magistracy and Ministry surviving, are standing
Monuments for him dead, yet speaking and praising him in
the Gate: And we dare not doubt, but the same concernments
have as high a seat in the heart of your Highness, of the
same flesh and substance with him. As for us, what-ever the
enviers and maligners of our establishment, and the bringing
forth of the Top-stone of our Peace, may frowardly attempt,
We as in the Lords sight, promise our cordial and chearful
submission to your Authority as our Supreme Magistrate, resolving
to be assistant to you with our lives, and what else is
of value and esteem with us, and that there may be a defence
upon your Glory, your Crown may flourish, and your Mountain,
against all oppositions may stand strong, shall be the solemn
Prayer and endeavor of
Your most Loyal
and ever Faithful Subjects.
From Elbing, December 22.
Those forces of the Elector of Brandenburgh which we
thought would have retired out of our Werders to go to the
Leagure before Thoren, keep only at such a distance from
us, that they return at pleasure to infest us; but besides that
their number is not considerable, they are so bridled by our
Garrison, that they are not able to do us the least prejudice.
From Stettin, Decemb. 23.
These parts are very quiet notwithstanding that we have
parted with a good part of our forces, Major General Wurtz
Governor of this City, being gone with 2000 horse, and
Colonel Muller with some foot, toward Holstein, by the
way of Mecklenbourgh, to the end, they may help to reinforce
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