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Mercurius politicus, Number 570, 2nd-9th June 1659 E.766[1]

There is arived lately an Ambassador from the Dukes of
Mechlenburgh, of Swerin, and Gustrow, to do homage to the
Emperor, which many other are likewise to do; and last
week, Prince Charles of Lichterslein received the homage at
Laxenburg of his two Principalities in S[unr]sia.
The levying of soldiers is still continued. The Director
of the Imperial Chamber who was lately sent to Prince Ragotzi,
hath written hither, that he hath had good success hitherto
in his Negotiation, and hopes to give a full account
with the next, that Prince Ragotzie his strong holds shall be
delivered up to the trust of his Imperial Majesty.
There hath been of late a mighty Earth quake in Stiria.
From Coppenhagen, May 24.
There are several Vessels arrived here laden with all kind of
provision, which is a great refreshment to our Inhabitants,
and victuals may be had at reasonable prices; which though
it brought joy unto us, yet we are much grieved that so many
Islands are lately fallen into the hands of the Swedes.
The English Resident useth his best endeavors to perswade
his Majesty of Denmark to a particular peace with Sweden, but
cannot prevaile, because his Majesty is fully resolved not to
treat of peace without consent of his Confederates.
From Stettin, May 22.
Field marshal Douglass goeth on successfully in Curland, having
lately defeated some of the Curlandish and Brandenburghish
forces, and is (as we hear) marching into the Electoral
Prussia, by this means to draw unto him those
forces which General Lieutenant Wartz commander
From Dantzick, May 28.
The Swedish having taken Stargard 5 Leagues from hence
without much opposition, got good bootie in it, and about
100 soldiers, which are taken into service: thereby our passage
into Poland is obstructed: since we have news, that they have
taken also Mewe, taking prisoner Colonel Buttler and about
100 soldiers: they intend now to march to Butzker Winkel
from thence to advance into Cassuben. It was hoped, that
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