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Mercurius politicus, Number 571, 9th-16th June 1659 E.766[3]

Numb. [unr]
Mercurius Politicus
The Sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on sooth the Three nations
For Information of the People.
Published by Authority.
From Thursday June 9. 10 Thursday June 16. 1659
From the Hagon, June 12 S. N.
THe old Princess Dowager of Orange went from
hence on the [unr] of June, with the Princesses
Henriette and [unr] her daughters, since which
they arived a [unr] on the 7 of June, going on
from thence [unr] journey toward Cronjant in,
where she expects her daughter the princess Electoral of
Brandenburg; and it is thought that a Wedding shall be solemnized
there between the Prince of Anbals and the said
Princess Henriette; many rich Jewels have been bought at Paris
for that purpose: the said Prince is expected at cleave, either
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