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Mercurius politicus, Number 571, 9th-16th June 1659 E.766[3]

on the 16 or 18 of June. We beleeved here that the Ambassador
of Portugall was gone hence to Burssels, but since
we have had surer news, that he is gone to Collen: it is supposed,
that he will take his journey by the way of Milan and
Genoa to Spain, to inform the Spanish Court of the present
condition of Portugall: whether other persons of Qualitie
in Portugall will seek also to be reconciled to the King of
Spain, a little time will declare: it is supposed that great alterations
are like to ensue, because divers Kinsmen of the
said Ambassadors are inclining to the Spanish side.
From Francsort, May 31.
To confirm the resolution taken to continue the Diet here,
which the Emperor would have transferred to Ratisbone, all
the Deputies which are Members thereof have subscribed
their consent thereto, except Altemberg the Duke of Saxonies
Deputy, who is gone to finde out the Emperors Ambassador,
the Count of Wolmar, in the said City of Patisbone.
Hereupon the Electors of Mentz and Colen have sent to
him to let him know their resentment of his behavior, and
that this his proceeding is wholly against the priviledges of
the Estates of the Empire, and such as they suppose his Master
the Duke will not approve, seeing he is no less than themselves
concerned in maintaining the German Liberty. From
Hildesheim its written, that the Deputies of the princes of the
Rhine endeavor more and more to strong then their Alliance;
and that their Confederate forces are putting themselves into
a posture to march (upon any occasion) under the command
of the Count of Hohenloe, who is Lieutenant General,
and Hammerstein their Major General; in the mean
time they remain a [unr] once to the Imperial forces, able to
give check to any design which the Emperor may entertain
to the prejudice of the common interest.
From the Island Zant, 12 April.
The Gallions of Venice, with the squad on of Galleys,
having almost run over all the Archipelago, and taken great
booties from the Islands, are advanced [unr]d Constantinople
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