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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

Numb: 220.
Mereurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Design
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ It à verters Seria. {
Ar. Port.
From Thursday August 24. to Thursday August 31.1654.
From the Camp at Aberfoyle, August 17.
THe 13 instant upon Col. Twisletons coming
with his party to Glen Dowglas, the
enemy quit the Island of Rouglas, and
threw into Loughlomond two brass Guns,
and two Iron Guns. Col. Colgrain who
lay wounded in the Island, had a pass to
his house to render himself prisoner upon his recovery.
About three weeks since Capt. Burn having a Captain
Lieut. and Ensign, and an hundred men sent in his vessell
from Orkney to try what he could do upon Middletons
Pickeroons, or the enemy in Caithness failed for Thursoe,
where he found a small Pickeroon with five Guns; upon
the appearing of our ships she ran her selfe on ground under
the house of Sir James Sinklair, who hath the command
of all The Countreymen in Caithness; and upon the
coming near of our ships, began to fire at them, having
got two of their Guns upon the shore, and one into the
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