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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

Mercarius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Design
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People,
------It à verters Seria {Horat de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday August Thursday August 24.1654.
From the Camp at Glencatron, August 12.
SInce our March from Sterling the second
instant, the work of the Army hath been to
burn the houses, eat, spoil, and destroy the
Corn of those who either are in Armes against
the Commonwealth, or have refused
to pay Sessments, beginning from Kalendar
to Balquidder, and so to Glen Catron. Most of the houses
and Lands belonging to the Earl of Athol Laird of Lenee,
or Glenample, all which are in Arms against us before our
coming to Balquidder. Mac Naughton, Jerard, Ir Win,
and Lence, with about 400 horse, and 300 foot, had been
in those parts 2, or 3 days, but upon our approach vanisht.
The Election of Parliament Members goes slowly on in
Scotland, the qualifications in the Ordinance being so strict
in time, that very few in Scotland are capable to elect or be
elected; yet I hear that Perrhshire have chosen the Earl of
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