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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

his own to Cambray, whither brought his own
Forces in a manner entire, not having sustained any considerable
loss on his parti.
We do not hear yet of irruption made hereupon,
by the French into Flanders, but all the card of the Spaniards
is, to rally and recruit out of hand to prevent
Intelligence is come that the Spaniard goes down likewise
in Catalonia, the Citie of Barcelona (which is the
key of that kingdom) being much discontented with the
Government of Don John of Austria, insomuch that they
have mutinied divers times, and have threatened to admit
the Prince of Conti with the Forces of France.
The Court is expected here shortly, and the Cardinall
in great Triumph, But they will find, many here that do
not much joy in the victory, many wish very well to the
Prince of Conde, and they would have found it so throughout
France, if he and his party had prevailed. The Clergy
of this Citie are not very forward in thanksgiving for this
victory; but no sooner was intelligence concerning the escape
of the Cardinall de Ritz out of prison, but they sang
Te Deum with alacrity. This Cardinall is (we hear) imbarqued
For Flanders.
Francfort on the Main, August. 10.
The new King of Sweden is now sending out
Ambassadors, to Wit, the Lord Roienham one of
the Senators of that Kingdom to Vienna, and the
Earl of Scblypenbach to the Electors of the Empire
he doth send likewise the Lord Vander Linden to
the Duke of Holstein, to desire a marrage to be of
his second daughter with the said king, and the
Earl Erard Oxenstern, is appointed to bring her
into that Kingdom, and is to take his journey
in September next. The Prince Radzivil had his
head-quarters at Orsa, and Collonel Zianceki
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