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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

hath there brought him a supply of Ten thousand
men, having sent of late Fifteen hundred horse
to observe the motion of the Muscovites, who
continue their inroads into Lithuania, even within
3 leagues of Wildaw. The Treaty lately made
with the Tartars hath been of late solemnly concluded
and ratified in the great Hall of Warsovia,
where the Diet is usually kept, being signed first
by the King of Poland, then by the Archbishop
Gnesuen in the name of the Clergy, by the Chancellor
for the Nobility and Gentry, and the
Commons by their Marshal, & lastly by the Ambassador
of the Tartars in his Masters Name, to
whom his Majesty of Poland hath sent one of his
Gentlemen to Scrin, to set him do the like confirmation,
being bound to the King Polaud by the
said Treaty to enter into Russia with an Army
150000 fighting men. The Emperour hath put
off the Diet to be held in Hungaria until the 4th
of November next, by reason that the Protestant
States will not suffer the Coronation of the
Emperor's second Son, the Archduke Leopoldus
Ignatius till he hath elected a Palatin of the
Protestant party, according to the last Treaty,
which implyeth, That the Palatins should be
chosen out of the Protestants and Papists party
by turn. The Emperour his third Son is still
very sick, neither is the Emperour yet well recovered
of his sickness. The King and Queen
of Denmark have been a while viewing the fair
houses and Lands near Hamborough and so are
returned to Flensbburgh, where they intend to be
all the Harvest quarter a by reason that the sickness
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