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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

of Conde and Ligne are arived at Cambray with
their troopes, Drummes beating and Trumpets
founding with their Cannon and Baggage: and
as they were at taqued in their said March by
a party of the Marshall of Turennes Armie, the
said Princes behaved themselves so well, that
several of the French were killed upon the place,
and others taken prisoners. The Duke of Lorraine
with the rest of the Commanders recreated to
Doway & Valenchienes; and have since rallied their
forces, where of they find some 5000 of their
foolt to be missing, whose losse is not so great
as the disgrace that is happened thereby in the
raising of the siege. There hath since been a
Councill of Warr held at Cambray where they
did muster some 12000 men effective & at Doway
some 6000. besides those that are at Air, St Omer
Eille and Tournay, so that they conceive themselves
strong enough to present further mischief
that may be fall then by the French Armie,
by making inroades into these parts.
From Newcastle August 21.
We have had a great stop of Trade by our
Keel-mens pretence of too small wages from
their Masters; they al as one man stood together,
and would neither worke themselves, nor suffer
others, though our Major used all possible means
to satisfie them; whereupon, he made a Proclamation,
but all was to no purpose. And now
through a Company of foot, and a Troop of Horse
be drawn into Town, yet they continue in their
obstinacie, notwithstanding, that some of their
Leading men have been apprehended. The
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