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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

Justices intend to meet, and try if they can compaese
the busines.
This day were brought hither 29 moss-Troopers,
some English some Scottish, who will be
shipt hence for Graves[unr]end, so for the Barbadas.
From Edenburgh, August 18
We hear that Middleton after many tedious
Perambulations, hath taken occasion to ship himself,
and away. Severall person of note have
Withdrawn themselves from the Enemy, and
others are taken Prisoners, while Glencairn, and
those with him, are in a deep study what to doe
for security, so that the great Highland undertaking
is like suddenly to end in a snuff.
From Roterdam, Aug. 28. stilo novo.
The States of Holland seem hold firm to their resolution
which they have taken to exclude the House: of
Orange out of all high Charges of country formerly
possest by his Predecessors; they do, press all that they can
to make the other Provinces their Proselites, and to oblige
them to it, they tell them a breach may follow with
England, who is very much concerned in it, if they will
not close with, theme in their resolution. This businesse is
look't upon here by most men, as very ominous to this
Countrey: for if disunion once happen amongst the provinces,
ruine is then at the door, it is division alone which,
can ruine this State, and it is that which hath been much
feared of late through the disharmony that this Act
of seclusion hath bred amongst the Province, whereof
six do still band against that of Holland, and Will not abandon
they young Prince of Orange, whose Predecessors
have done such great and glorious services for this State.
In the mean time the province of Holland hath caused
four Companies come to the Hague, and joyned them
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