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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

stop their progresse, the Spaniard must either implore a
peace, or the assistance of some of their neighbours.
From Rome the 8 of August.
The Duke of Torra nova Ambassador of Spaine,
doth all that he can for the calling of the Prince
Ludovicio, but the Pope will in no wife bearken
to it, although he hath been often entreated by
by the Donna Olympia, at the sollicitation of the
said Ambassador. A few days since we were here
in a strange apprehension of an earthquake
which happned twice together, and yet did no
great harm God be thanked; but we do hear
that the effects thereof fell upon the kingdome
of Naples, and severall parts thereof. The 2. of
the last month the Pope celebrated the annual
day of Vibane the 8 his predecessor.
Leith August 19. Within this four days there
was two ships with Prisoners from hence going
for the Barbadoes, but the Prisoners in one of the
Ships, did Muteny, and seized on all the Seamen,
and put them all under Deck, but only those
they made use of for mannaging the Ship, as also
the Captain; and the Captain of the other Ship
knowing nothing, was about to come aboard,
and being near the ship, one of the Seamen
cryed out, and told him, They were all betrayed;
whereupon he made from that ship to his own,
the other making many shot at him, but missed
him. Hereupon they run some three leagues
before the other could come within shot of them
but when he gave them a broad side, they were
afraid, and rendred themselves prisoners to
their own Captain, and now both ships are come
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