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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

Robberies in the Countries. The Generall
is on Wednesday next (God willing)
to return to Dalkieth.
From the Hague, Aug. 29. stilo novo.
Every mans head is hot here, and working,
but no man knows what will be the
issue of the manifold divisions in the Provinces.
These Holland have sent four
Companis of their own hither, to be as
their Guard, which speak out their jealousie,
as well as their disaffection toward
the House of Orange: All the good deeds
that have been done by those Princes, can
no longer oblige, but their bad ones are
remembred, and particularly the dominiering
carriage of the last Prince William
and his father, and all the discourse is, how
much they two degenerated fro those that
went before them: Thus children are
not regarded, when they tread not in the
vertuous steps of their fathers, and one
or two disobliging miscarriages will obliterate
and cancell all former obligations.
This is much insisted on by the Province
of Holland, and the last Princs attempt
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