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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

as the six have little to say, but what discovers
an obstinate resolution for that Family,
and a disaffection toward the English
Count William hath made it his
businesse a long while to tickle and engage
them, which will in the end prove
little to his advantage.
Things cannot hang thus long; but
if the band of the great union of Vtrecht,
whereby the seven Provinces were at first
bound together, be once dissolved then
the bundle of Arrowes being divided, wil
be easily broken.
Here is talk of an Ambassador to come
from Sweden, and much discourse and
guessing about the present expedition of
the English ships.
From Dantzick 28 ditto stilo novo.
The news out of Poland is very uncertain,
the one quite contradicting the other
however I would not fail to give you
that which the present affords: Notwithstanding
a report of the Muscovites,
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