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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

Invasion, and taking or Plotzko, and fortifying
it, with the beleaguering of Sm l osko; the
Country, as far as we can learn, remains unmoved,
as if no such matter were.
This week its Reported an Union is made
between the King of Poland and some Senators
with the States of Holland; the P[unr]l[unr] to pay
yearly 400000 Ryxdollers, and the Holland[unr]rs
to maintain twenty men of war for their service,
as is supposed to help to make a diversion in
From Stockholm August 1. stilo vet.
We are daily dispatching Forces both horse
and foot toward the siege of Bremen, to curb the
insolence of that City committed against this
Crown. Its thought here, the Emperour and
German Princes did privately instigate the Bremers
against us, for we cannot believe that of
themselvs they durst have bin so bold as to provoke
against them so Considerable an Enemy as
this Crown. This Court begins to be much reformed
and cleansed of Italian and French Musitians,
Fidlers, Ball, and Ballad dancing Masters,
not having been much in use before the last Qu.
Reign. Souldiers and others who have done
the Crown good service, will be the better Rewarded
in their place.
From Regensburg 10 dito S. V.
The 5 instant Prince Rupert arrived here by
Water with 12 persons and 2 Blackmores, and
instantly without landing (having only bought
some Provisior) went away for Vienna; but whi
ther this Voyage be in his own behalf, or concerning
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