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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

[unr] Ch. [unr] will discover. I[unr]s said
[unr] hath given unto the said Fr:
Rapture Lady the Earldom of Gotz during her
From Hamburgh 15 dito, S. V.
From Bremen very little by this Post. General
Konig[unr]marck hath now about 3000 men, horse
and foot, and expects more Forces daily to join
with them. In the mean time its said he intends
to recover such places as with his present power
he will be able to Matter. It was reported that
his first Action would be the recovering of the
Burgh, but it seems he intends to be in a better
posture first, and have some what a greater advantage,
no judging it fit to buy the said place
at so high a rate, as the lose of age[unr]t part of
his present Force, which questionless, he would
the Bremers being resolved to fight it out to the
last man, and not to trust any more to Konigs
marcks promise of quarter, whereas afterwards
having doubled his strength, he may with a
great deal less pains and loss gain the possession
thereof. Grave Slippenbach is arrived here
out of Sweden, and is going for the Emperours
Court, to make known unto him, as also to all
The Prince of Germany, the true cause and beginning
of the present quarrell between that
Crown and the City of Bremen.
From Wismar they write this night, That seven
ships are arrived there out of Sweden with
2000 men, going for the siege of Breme; more
are daily expected.
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