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Mercurius politicus, Number 220, 24th-31st August 1654 E.809[12]

From Dublin) August 24.
All our expectation here is of the comming over of our
new Councill. The Members elected to serve in Parlament
for this Nation, are setting out for England. The work of
Transplanting is at a stand. The Tories flie out, and increase;
It is the nature of this people to be rebellious,
and they have been so much the more disposed to it, having
been highly exasperated by the Transplanting work.
Whitehall, August 18. The Ordinance for ejecting Scandalous
Ministers was parted, and ordered to be printed,
August. 30. The Councill sat both morning and
evening, as they did the day before; Consideration was
had of some causes and complaints touching Elections;
particularly, about the Elections at Bristol and in Leicester Shire
The Ordinance for the regulation of the high Court of
Chancery is at the Presse, and will within a day or two be
Made publibck.
An Advertisement.
Such as are concerned may understand, that the Clerk
for the Common-wealth in Chancery (heretofore called
the Clerke of the Crown) can by a list in his hands, inform
such as shall desire satisfaction, concerning the names
of those, who being returned to serve in the next Parlament,
have been hitherto approved of by the Councill.
The Reader is to take notice also, the Particulars of the
Victory gained by the French against the Spaniard are not
yet come.
There is newly printed and published
The fulnesse and freeneses of Gods grace in Jesus Christ,
Handling the point of Election in a middle way between
Calvin and Arminius, but different from them both;
As also how God orders and appoints men to their finall
Ends; by Francis Duke: To be sold by John Clark
at his shop at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside.
Licensed and entred according to the Act for Printing.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1654.

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