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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

Linlithgow, and that Col. James Hay is chosen for the
County of Fife; both are well affected to the present
Government, and the latter hath been eminently serviceable
from our first coming into Scotland, Sir James Hamilton
for Dumbarton-shire. Major Gen Montgomery (who
made his escape lately from York) with one Major Bunton
were this week taken in Renfrew-Shire. Another party of
ours fell upon some of the Enemy under Kenmore and
Selkirk cook 17 horse, amongst the rest Kenmorse, and he
and Selke K hardly escap'd on foot. The 10 instant the
General and Army marcht from Stanbar near Balquidder,
to Glen-Carron, a nest and don of Theeves, from which it
had as name; the way to it as bad and boggy as any we
have had, so that half the Army could not reach the quarters
that do, but lay upon the Bogg that night, which was
exceesing [unr] and stormy. Divers of the Baggage horses
were loft by the way and one ham-string'd by the High-landers
A Quartermaster of Captain Peacocks Troop
was drown'd passing over a small Water coming from the
Hills, and carryed into the Lough. Adjutant Generall
Smith was that day sent out with 300 foot to Glenfinlis,
where he burnt the houses thereabouts, and brought in
about sixscore horse, and the Souldiers had store of other
From paris August 23. stilo novo
The state of Affairs hath changed countenance here
since my last; and that which most men little dream'd of
is now come to pass, whereby in doth still appear that the
wisdome of man is but folly in the fight of God, who
disposeth of the affairs of this world according to his own
unsearchable Providence; for not many houres before the
news of this sudden alteration was brought to this Town,
the wisest men thereof in the morning being very doubtful
of the success in case the French should attempt the attaquing
of the Spaniards in their double trenches; and great
Wagers were laid that the place would be takers when as
at night here arrived Post upon Post the joyful news of the
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