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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

Poland, and 16 thousand for Lithuania: there is
a confirmation come of the defeat lately given
to the Muscovites near the City of Smolensko,
which still remains blocked up by the Muscovite,
but as yet doe not hear of any further action.
From the Camp at the foot of Glencaron.
Since my last from Leney Wee are come 20
miles cross the Country burning the houses and
destroying all the Corne in or neere our way.
Mac-Norton, Irwin, and Leny had been at Balquidar
the last week, whence ( upon our aproach ) they
went with their parry to Glenfn which also
they left when we came neere it, Major General
Montgomery (who escaped from Yorke) was happily
met with in Renfrushire by some of our horse
and taken with 17 horse on their way to their
friends in the hills, and one Major Bunton. Kenmore
and Selkirke (who had bin with him) Narrowly
escaping. We have had parties out often to
burne all that lay neere our quarters, and Adjustant
General Smith ( being sent on the 9 instant
to Glenfynn to burne and destroy it ) is returned
to the Army with his party, bringing
with them six score horses and Mares, and some
cattel. On the 10 we marched in very heavy
ways that above half the Army cold not come
before night to the Glen where we quartered
(though it was but 4 miles from our quarter the
night before ) and therefore choosed to stay
out all night not farr from our quarter, rather
then come forward when they could not fee
where to tread in such wayes, though their condition
was fad that night by reason of a great
storme and a continuall raine.
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