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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

Wee heare yet but of 2 Counties in Scotland
that have chosen members to serve in the next
Parliament to wit Perthshire for which the Eaile
of Linlithgowe is elected and Fife for which Col.
James Hay is chosen; Col. Twisleton with a party
is upon reducing Rothsea Castle in the Isle of Bute,
which lies between Dunbarton and Ayre; Major
Peirson with 3 or 4 hundred foot and 6 Troops
of horse and Dragoones is at the head of Logh-Tay,
building up and fortifying a convenient receipt
for a guarison, which is to be placed there,
and then from thence and the Garrison which
is to be placed in Argyleshire, parties may unite
who may keep the richest and most, plentifull
part of the Highlands quiet this winter. All
that we burne or destroy belongs to such as are
in Rebelion, or refuse to pay Sesse or own the
English Government.
From Brussels the 23 of August Stilo novo.
The City of Arras doth continue stil besieged
and prest by the besiegers; the besieged are said
to behave themselves with great courage and resolution
not withstanding the losse of their out
works, and the want of men and Ammunition
within the Towne; the wals of the Town is said
to be undermin'd by the Spaniards and a sudden
surrender, or relief, must consequently follow,
the latter whereto is dayly expected by the besiegers,
the French having made great preparations
for a generall assault to be given to the
Spanish lines, which are said to be well provided
against a storm: In the mean time it is feard,
that the Spanish Camp will want provisions, the
French having Barricadoed all the Posts and
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