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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

passages that hardly any Convoys can passe in
safetie to them, by which means the Spanish
forces must needs diminish, and the French increase
by reason of the abundance of all things
necessary for their subsistence; a few days more
will satisfie our long expectations which we
have to know what the issues will be of this
business, about which many Wagers have bin laid
some, that the place would be taken; others,
that it would not. The Queene of Sweaden
having been some time here to fee the verities
of this Court, is now returning to Antwerpe
againe, where it is supposed the intends to stay
most part of the winter, fame think she may
make a progresse into England to fee the Lord Protector,
and his Court; being a Princesse of a
very great curiosity, so that hardly any thing
in this Town hath been left unview'd by her.
Here is now certain news from all parts of the
arrivall of the Gallies and the Fleet from Terrasima
the 17 of this last month at Cadis; valued
Worth 13 or 14 millions of pieces of eight.
There is an Ordinance published, entituled,
An Ordinance for the better redresse of the
A buses commited upon the River of Thames,
and waters on Medway.
From Rotterdam, the 25 of August stilo novo.
We do still apprehend here Some discord by
reason of the difficult which the Province of
Holland maketh of maintaining the young prince
of Orange in the dignities and charges of his deceased
Father, especially in that of Admirall and
Captain Generall of the Armies of theft
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