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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

Provinces, four whereof are resolved to acknowledge
him in that quality, and two more very
much disposed to follow their example; but
Holland being certain of the protection and assistance
of England, hath ordered that the company
of the Guards of the said young Prince,
should be cashiered, and that the Officers thereof
should be recompensed, and a new one established,
and a new one established, and called
by the name of the Companie of the guard of
the States of Holland; and the same to consist of
400 men who are to watch by turnes. Here are
leverall ships arrived in this Country with
Souldiers and whole families of Jewes that were
in the Recif at the time of the surrender thereof
to the Portugals.
From, Amiens August 27: Stilo novo:
After long struggling, that French King hath gotten the
better before Arras and in truth it was very likely still
that it would he so, because the French in Arras, though
close begirt, yet they were resolute and not so necessitated,
but they had where with all subsist hold out
in some reasonable manner. This being so, without all
doubt, it concerned the Spaniard to have engaged the
French Army at first (as we hear the Prince of Conde did
advise because the more time the Spaniard spent lurking
in his Trenches the more opportunity the other had to
circumvent them in all passages, and hinder the access of
Provisions; besides, the French King was in his owne
Country, where not only his men were accommodated
With all sorts of provisions, but the number of his Armies
daily increased by Volunteers of the Gentry, and other
Forces from all parts, so that (as its said) they bad at last
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