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Mercurius politicus, Number 219, 17th-24th August 1654 E.809[5]

and burning with an extreme desire to be
in action, specially having their great Monarch
for an eye witnes of their achievements, whose
presence did inflame their hearts with the true
spirit of valour, added strength unto their arms,
and gave a most sharp edg unto their revenging
swords: So that having all things in a readiness
for the carrying on of so great an enterprise, they
wanted nothing but his Majesties orders for the
execution thereof; which being after a serious
and mature deliberation, and not without the
great importunity of the Generals granted, his
Majesty in the next place sent unto all the Cities
round about, and commanded that prayers
should be made in all the Churches for a good
success unto that high design, knowing that it
is God alone that gives the victory, and not the
strength of man or horse; and for the better
encourĂ ging of his people unto so necessary a
duty, he was present himself with all his Court
at the public prayers that were made for that
purpose. Which being duly performed, and the
day for the onset being appointed, viz. the 25.
of August stilo novo, being St. Lewis day, the
Marshals de Turcnne, de la Ferte, and d' Hequincourt
accordingly about four a clock in the
morning being advanced near the lines of the
Enemies, while they frighted them with many
false alarms in several parts, assaulted the lines
in 3 places, yet near one unto another; and after
a sharp fight there maintained stoutly on both
sides for the space of two hours, our men having
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