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Mercurius politicus, Number 239, 4th-11th January 1655 E.823[5]

Here was a Meeting appointed lately by several
Officers of the Army, and it was to take notice of
the state and condition of publick matters, and
vent some discontented humors; but the design
took not as it was intended.
From Paris, January 6. stilo novo.
Here is so great abundance of fals monies utterd
that a proportion hath been made in the Kings
Councill, to melt all the lewisses of gold & silver
with all the demi-lewisses and other Pieces of
what kind soever, in designe to break the course
of false Coyne.
The Princesse of Falsebourg went from hence
last week, to go visit her sister the Dutchesse of
Orleans, having first here complemented the
King, Queen, Monsieur, and the Cardinal.
On sunday last, the King was a hunting at St
Germans, with the Prince de Harcourt, and the
Duke of Elboeuf and Candale. Afterwards, to shew
you how well they observe that day, the princes,
after a drinking-bout tooks horse and went to
Poissy; where being arrived, they attempted to
breaks a Religious house there; which being come
to the Knowledg of the King and Queen, they
were extreme angry and inraged at them, and
the King sent some of the swisses of his Guard to
defend the Convent.
The Daughter of the Marquis de Buveron,
one of the Lieutenants provincial of Normande,
is to be married to the Marshal De la Ferte
Seneterre; and for that end, she is to goe to him
into Lorraine, where he now is with part of his
Majesties forces; he is hard put to it for money in
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