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Mercurius politicus, Number 239, 4th-11th January 1655 E.823[5]

but will comply, its believed, at last, to delay the
putting the yong Prince into the Offices executed
by his Father. Letters out of Flanders
speak, as if there had been some discontent taken
by the Pr: of Conde, because the Qu: of Sweden
received him not with the same Honors and Ceremonies
as she received the Archduke Leopold.
The Letters from Turin of December 19, doe
say, That Pr: Thomas being arived there, could
not obtain of his Nephew the Duke, nor of the
Dutchess Royall his mother, any Winter quarters
for his Troops; their Answer to him being,
That their people were so desolate and miserably
wasted, that they could hardly live. There are
other Letters since, which say, The said Prince
hath so well promoted his Negotiation touching
the marrying our King with the Infante of Savoy,
and of the young Duke with one of the
Nieces of Cardinal Mazarin; that the Marquis
de l'Ulin, is preparing to come into France, as
Ambassador extraordinary, to conclude these 2.
marriages. And if they take effect, its said, that
Pr. Thomas will be honored with the Office of
Constable of France. Of these things we expect
a Confirmation.
Westminster January 4.
This day the Committee for the Lo: Cravens
Case met again, but adjourned the final hearing
of that business untill Wednesday next, Counsel
on both sides being Ordered to take notice then
to be prepared to finish what they have to say.
The reason of the adjournment so long was, because
the Parlament will sit for a few days forenoon
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