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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

In the mean time, know, That the persons taken
into custody, are M[unr]Oats Chaplain to Col.
Pride's Regiment, Major Brampston, Col. Morgans
Major, Cornet Tombes of Col Rich his Regiment,
Capt: Moss, Lieut: Brachman, and some
others. What will be done with them, is not
yet known. But that which has been most talked
on, is the seizing Major[unr]gen. Overton, who is
said to have been privy to their intentions; Col.
Morgan wil command in his place, he being sent
away by Sea to London in a Frigat. Shortly I
may send you a more parricular account.
From Paris January 13. stilo novo.
Upon the 7. instant the Chevalier de Souveré,
who is Agent in this Court for the grand Master,
the Commanders and Knights of Malta, which
are French, was with Cardinal Mazirin, and had
a large conference, where the Cardinal upbraided
him, and told him, That for these Ten years
together, the Knights and Commanders of Malta
together, with their Grand master, had been devoted
to the Spaniard; and that they had made it
sufficiently appear to be so upon this occasion,
when the Duke of Guise and his Fleet were forced
by storms at Sea upon their Island of Malta;
at which time they refused to afford them any
supplies either of Victuals or fresh Water, after
he had been weather-beaten at Sea for about 50
days; but that insted of refreshment, they comanded
him to retire, and not come within Cannonshot
of the Iland; which is a sufficient evidence of
their ill will to the French Nation; and therfore
the Cardinal told him, That it repeated him he
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