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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

had not sent him to the Bastile. To which the
Chevalier answered boldly, That then he should
not have been the first man that had been imprisoned
by his Eminence unjustly. But whereas
his Eminence had accused all of his Order of being
devoted to the Spanish party, it was no such
matter, but they had hitherto kept themselves
Neutrall between France & Spain; and that they
were constrained to carry fair with the King of
Spain, he having bestowed on them the Island of
Rhodes; and besides, they fetched all their provisions
out of the Kingdom of Sicily, which Island
was their Neighbour, without supplies from
whence they could not subsist; and therefore if so
be at that time they had given assistance to the
Duke of Guise, and it should have come to the
Viceroy of Sicily, there is no doubt but he would
have prohibited them from supplying themselvs
in that Kingdom, to their great prejudice. Not-withstanding,
he Cardinal replyed, and told him,
he knew immediately how to chastise them for
this, by seizing the Revenues they receive out
of France. The Chevalier said, He questioned
not his power, but was very confident he would
not do it; and so they parted in discontent.
Marshal Tureèno courts it here this Winter time,
the King and his Councill having assigned him
Moneys, and the Sicur Mouncrot, who is the Treasurer
upon whom it is charged, neglecting to pay
him, the Marshall has procured an Order of the
Council to clap him up in the Bastile, whence he
is not to stir, till he has paid the utmost penny.
The Sieurs de Romencour, and de Moleon, both Lorainers,
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