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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

have rendred their service, with their
Regiments of Horse, to the King. They came
last week to Court, where they were well received
by the Cardinal.
Upon the Jealousies which they have here at
Court, left the English should land in low Britain,
the Councill hath resolved to send thither eight
Companies of the Regiment of Guards.
Some few days ago, a revivall hath been made
of the strict prohibitions against Duels.
From Warsovia in Poland, December 16.
We are advertised that Vitebsko holds out still, &
that the Treasurer of Lithuania intends with 6000
men to goe and relief the place. The Moscovites
range still up and down, behaving themselves
with extreme and barbarous cruelty, puting people
of all ages and sexes to the Sword, in such
Towns as do Lot immediatly entertain them.
There came an Envoye lately from the Great
Duke of Moscovie to Grodna, supposing to have
found the King there, but order is given that he
be staid there till the coming of his Majesty to
this City, and then the Envoy is to be conducted
hither. Its said, That he has Instructions from
the grand Duke, to make some Proposals for an
Accommodation which inclination to peace, many
suppose to be occasioned through the death
of the grand Visier at Constantinople, with whom
the said Duke is conceived to have held Intelligence,
and because of the great preparation that
is made here against the Moscovites: For, now we
have received assurance from Ukrain, that 20000
Tartars, and 6000 Transylvanians and Walachians,
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