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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

are joyned with our Poland Army, intending
to march immediatly against Gen: Chmielinsky &
his Cossacks, in case they doe not comply with his
Majesty of Poland.
We hear the grand Duke of Moscovie hath denyed
to receive the Envoye of the K: of Sweden,
which affront we suppose will not a little contribute
to a League offensive & defensive between
this Crown and Sweden.
From Vienna December 20.
The Assembly of the Estates of Silesia and Meravia
is ended with very good satisfaction to the
Emperor, they having agreed those sums of money
that were demanded by his commissioners.
Vpon the 15 of the next month, there is an
Assembly of the Estates of Austrla to be held in
in this city, to render homage to the Archduke
Leopold Ignatius, the Emperors son, who its intended
shall be crowned King of Hungary in March
next ensuing, either in the Town of presbourg, or
in oedenbourg.
We have Letters here out of Poland, which say,
that the Tartars being confederated with the
Poles, have made an Inroad into the Moscovites
country, sacking and firing many places.
From Brunswick, December 25.
The 14 of this month here was proclaimed the
conclusion of the Assembly of the Estates of lower
Saxony; and next day the Baron of Lutzan, the
Emperours Deputy, gave a very sumptuous
Treatment to all the Deputies, and so-they departed.
The said Baron is gon to Hamburgh, there
to reside on the behalf of his Imperiall majesty.
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