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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

the Committee of such things as they desired to be informed
of, and having heard the Councel of Mr. Richard
Marshal one of the Purchasors, as also the Councel on
the behalf of so many of those Tenants as did Petition for
relief against the said Mr. Marshal and others, there was a
conclusion as to what was to be said by Councel on either
side: So on Wednesday next the Committee hath appointed
to meet again in order to determine concerning that business.
This Week also the Committee for Mr. Levingstons business,
and the Committee for Fenns have made a great progress
in those businesses.
From Metz, January 8.
This week the Sieur de Harcourt, Dean of this Church,
having advised with his Chapter about the news of the death
of the Lord Peter Mazarin, Father of the Cardinal, it was
unanimously resolved to celebrate a solemn Service for the
rest of the soul of the deceased; which was performed the
fifth instant, in our Cathedral, where assisted the whole Body
of the Clergy, both Seculars and Regulars, as also the
Body of the City, with most of the principal persons of quality
; they all acknowledging hereby in despight of envy,
the continual pains and labors taken by his Bminence, for
the peace and greatness of this Kingdom, as also the affection
which they bear him, as their Eishop and Prince both
Spiritual and Temporal: which Service is to be continued
in the four principal Abbeys of this Town.
A Lift of the Ships arived in the Port of London, from the
8 of January to the 15.
From Flushing two with Flax, Madder, and Linen
Prize one with Sugar and Wools
From Ostend one with Hops
From Morlaix one with Linen and Paper
From Alicant one with Wine and Fruits
Prize, one from Bourdeaux laden with Wines
From France one with Vinegar, Pruins, and other Commodities
From the Canaries two with Wines
Palm, one with Hides, Ginger, and Sugar; &c.
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