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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

His Majesty hath sent order to the Parlament
of Provence, and to his lieutenant in that Province,
immediatly to apprehend the Baron of
Foleville, who was one of the Lieutenants generall
belonging to the Duke of Guise his Army,
and is accused of Treachery, as the great occasion
of undoing that Expedition for Napler.
The Duke of Orleans, his Maiesties Uncle, not
being satisfied with the order of the councill,
which hath reduced the arrears of his pension to
900 thousand Livres, to be paid in 2 years.
The Baron of San[unr]lieu, one of the Lieut-Gen: of
marshall Tureins Army in the last Campagne, is
sent by the K: with 2000 men, both French and
Swisses, taken out of the Guards, to guard the
Seacoasts of Normandy, for fear the English should
have a design of landing in those parts of France;
and therfore the Count of Matignon is fortifying
all the places within his Government; & the Du:
o'Longuiville fortifies anew the castle of Caen, &
caused all the houses about it to be demolished.
It is reported, as if the K: and his Council having
an intimation of the intent of the Duke of Savoy
to marry the D.of Orleans his eldest daughter, had
resolved te send Guards to observe that Lady, so
as the may not depart out of the Kingdom without
the Kings consent. The K:has sent Comissioners
into Switzerland, to procure 2 new Regiments
of 1500 men apiece. The II instant here
arived a Courier, just as the King and Cardinall
were taking coach to goe to the Bois de Vincennes;
but they were staid by the news sent them by the
Sicur de Beanvan Governor of Quesnoy, there were
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