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Mercurius politicus, Number 240, 11th-18th January 1655 E.825[4]

From Amsterdam, January 7.
The first of this moneth here died the Lord Benningcock,
Knight of St Michael, and Burgomaster-Regent of this City,
he having undergon all publick Offices, with so good approbation,
that he was divers times deputed one of the Assembly
of the States, in the most important affairs of this
The Heer Van Benninghen, since his return from Bremen,
hath been nominated by the States General, to endeavour
an accommodation between the Count of East-Friesland
and the Town of Embden.
The Envoy of Archduke Leopold sollicites the States to
declare, by what means possible there may be an ending of
the difference touching the Possession of the Lordship of
Gemert, which it is said will be referred to the Chamber
The Switzers have sent Letters of Complement, to give
thanks for the favourable reception of the Sieur Stocker
their Ambassador, and to assure the States of a continuation
of a good correspondence.
The new Taxesimposed by the Spaniards upon all the
Low-Countries, have occasioned so great murmurings among
the people, because of the excessive rates imposed upon
all Provisions, besides the plunder and spoil of the souldiery,
and the grand Payments that have been exacted since
the siege before Arrds, upon all Morchants and Tradesmen,
insomuch that many whole Familie intend to seek a dwelling
in some other places, where they may be more gently
dealt withall.
From St Menehould, January 7
The Count of Grand Pre, and the Sieur de Vandy, who
were prisoners in Flanders, are returned to this Town, which
is so well accommodated, that we do not fear the 200 horse
that (it is said) are to come out of Luxembourgh to visit
these Quarters.
From the Low-Countries by the last
That two Posts together should fail, as now the two last
weeks-Letters have breeds a great wonderment here. Some
conjecture the French have intercepted; others, that you
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