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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

Numb: 249
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ It à vertere Seria. {Horat. et.
Ar. Pode.
From Thursday March 15. to Thursday March 22. 1654
From Dalkeith, March 10.
HOwbeit there occurs little here which is the
reason I write no oftner, yet I cannot omit
this opportunity to acquaint you that the Lo:
Lorn keeps back from treating (though a
pass was sent for his Commissioners to come
to Col. Cooper to that purpose) so that it is
conceived he waits see if there be any possibility to bear
up the course or way he has bin driving at: The Scots begin
to mutter great expectations, upon what grounds I know not,
I pray God continue the peace of the Nations. If we be not
fit for such a mercy; Oh that we may be fitted for troubles,
That our Anchor may be within the veile, and our souls rooted
and grounded in love to him who is able to save.
By the Lord Deputy and Councill.
WHereas by an Order of the 30 November last, It is
declared that all persons in Ireland, who (having
right to Articles, or to any favor or mercy held forth by the
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