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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

Qualifications in the Act of Parliament, entituled, An Act for
the setling of Ireland; are Proprietors of Lands in Ireland; or
at any time since the 21 of October 1641. have been in Arms
against the Commonwealth of England, their Army or Forces
or before October 21 1642. have acted, ayded, or assisted the
late bloody Rebellion in Ireland; and are declared to be persons
that ought to transplant themselves their Wives children
and Families into Connaught and county of Clare) doe
transplant themselves into Connaught and Clare, accordingly,
at or before the first day of March next ensuing; and that such
as wilfully refuse or neglect so to doe, should incur the penalties
Declared in and by several Acts, Orders, Instructions and
Declarations in that behalf, more particularly in that of November
abovementioned. The Lord Deputy and Council taking
into their serious consideration the immoderate and unusual
fall of Rain at this season of the year, and how much the
deepness of the wayes, and weakness of Cattle occasioned
thereby may make their journeys more difficult and hazardous,
especially to their wives and young children, with their
breeding and weak cattle therefore that all persons concerned
may know that (as it has hitherto bin upon the hearts of
those in Authority over them (as has bin exprest in their proceedings
toward them in this matter, to exercise all tendernes
therin, that is consistent with carrying on the work, and withal
to leave such as shall after be disobedient thereunto without
excuse) They doe declare that the persons transplantable as
abovesaid, and not dispenced with, as in and by the said Declaration
of November 30 is held forth, do transplant themselvs
before March 1. next, into the Province of Connaught
and Clare (according to former Declarations) and address
themselves to such as are there impowred for that purpose)
to take out their respective Assignments of Land, & proceed
to build and settle themselves there, and make provision for
their Families respectively; and it is further Ordered that such
persons so transplanting themselves as abovesaid, their wives,
children, and necessary Servants, with their cattle; or such persons
so transplanting respectively, shall be permitted to continue
at their present dwellings and holdings, for such time as
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