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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

the Commander in chief, with 2 Justices of the
Peace of each precinct, shal think fi[unr] give license
for under their hands and seals respectively. Provided
the said persons themselvs so to Transplant
as aforesaid, doe procure a Certificate under the
hands and seals of 2 or more of the Commissioners
in Conaught (appointed to set out their Land in
Conaught and county of Clare) that such persons
have personally appeared before them there, and
are preparing for their families in Connaught and
county of Clare, for want of which Certificates
abovesaid, their Wives, children and servants remaining
in the Provinces of Leinster, Munster, &
Ulster, after the last day of March now next ensuing,
are hereby declared to be out of protection,
and to incur the penalties mention'd in the above
said Declaration. Provided also, that not any
license given by the Commander in chief, and 2.
Justices of the peace as aforesaid, to any of the
Wives, children, servants, or cattle belonging to
any such persons, shal extend for longer time then
May next furthest, but are to be limited for less
or more time within that space, as they in their
judgments (considering the severall conditions
of the persons so to be licensed respectively shall
think fit. Dated at Dublin February 27. 1654.
Thomas Herbert Clerk to the Council.
From Paris, March 17. Stilo novo.
The doctrin of Jansenus spreads so fast in France,
that the Papall Retainers begin to bestir themselves
about it. The Pope, before his death, set
forth a Bull against it; foreseeing, that if this
doctrine, broched by a Papish Bishop, and agreeing
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