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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

in the main with the Protestant, about Freedom
of will & merit of Works, &c. Should take roote
within these parts of Europe, among the Papists,
it might bee a means in time, to bring other points
of the Protestant doctrine into reputation among
them. Therefore, to provide timely against it,
upon the 13 instant, the Clergy held an Assembly
with Cardinall Mazarin, to deliberate about a
declaration which they have drawn up against the
Jansenists, and to provide for the conservation of
the liberties and Privileges of the Church of
Within these few daies, there have been some
Conferences held between the marshall of
Tureine, the Jesuites, Capuchins, and the doctors of
Sorbone, Which hath given occasion to many
(especiall the Papists) to report at Court, that he
hath done it to inform his Conscience, in order to
a Change of his Religion, and that thereupon he
shall have the Sword of Constable of France conferred
on him. But it is not probable, that the
Marshall will so easily forsake the Protestant
Faith and Party, for the love of this present
Here is news com to Court, as also to the Princes
Palatine, that her Sister the Queen of Poland is at
length proved with Child.
The Prince of Castelanetta, who was brought
Prisoner out of the kingdom of Naples, hath by
the Kings order sent to the Duke of Mercoeur into
Prevence, liberty given him to return home, upon
his Parole, to sollicit his own Exchange with the
Marquis of Gonzague; for which he hath but 2
Months time allowed him.
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