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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

The Treaty of Marriage that was on foot
between the Son of Marshal de Meilleraye, with
one of the Cardinals Nieces, hath slept for a time
because of som Terms about which the Cardinal
& Marshal could not agree; but now it is revived
again through the endevor of the Bishop of Rennes
and like to take, because the young Lord & Lady
continue their Amours.
Some Imaginations there have been, that the
Prince of Conde should be upon an accommodation
with the Court, which wrought so much upon
the Archduke, that the Pacquets were opend, and
the K: of Spain has thereupon divided the command
of his Army between the said Prince, & the
Count of Fuensaldagne; each of them to have a distinct
body and that alternatively. Letters from
St Quintin of the 12 instant, advise, That the great
convoy is gotten into Quesnoy. The expectation
here is, that Charls Stuart should bee entred England;
and its said, That before his entry he took a
solemn Oath to allow a liberty of conscience: the
Titular Du: of York gives out to all his acquaintance,
That he is ready to take horse upon the first
Order that shall be sent him from his brother.
From Dantzick March 10. stilo novo.
We have had report of a conflict between the
Poles and Cossacks, the Poles boasting of Victory,
though dearly bought, as they acknowledge; but
some here are of other Judgments; the Truth of
things are not easily discovered till afterwards.
Little out of Littaw since their defeat before Bichow;
some report as if they had regained Miloff;
others doubt it. This day one returned out of
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