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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

hear the wind hath been so contrary, that he can find no
place convenient to land in.
Ships this week arrived in the Port of London.
Straights, 4. with Silks, Oyls, Rice, Currants, Glasses, &C.
Hamborough, 2. with Hops, Gernd Linen, Iron, Steel, &c.
Dunkirk, 3. with Hops, Linen, Thred, &c
Harlem, 1. with Linen, Copper, &c.
Morlaix 1. with Dowles, Lockroms, and Paper.
Dort, 2. with Renish wine, Stone-pots, Iron, Iron-pots, Rozen.
Bilboa, 1. with Spanish Iron. (Indico.
Berbadoes, 1. with Sugar, Ginger, Cotton-wools, and some
Zant and Vanice, 2. with Currants, Silks, Glasses, Rice,
Sope, &c.
Lixbona, 1. with Sugars, Oils, and Cinamon.
Bourdeaux, 1. with French wines.
Emden, 1. with Beans and Oars.
Mayork 1. with Oil, Anniseeds, and Malligo wines.
Amsterdam, 1. with Winches of Cable-yarn, Iron, Iron-pots,
&c. In all 22 Ships.
From Falmouth, Mar. 12.
All (God be blessed) are quiet with us in these parts.
Here have been several Ships outward bound, for Newfoundland,
Barbada's, the Bay of Biscay, and Rochel, which lay
near two moneths for a wind, but departed on Friday and
Saturday last.
Mr. John Carew (I hear) was brought last week to Saint
Maur's Castle.
Our Commissioners last week signed the Rates for the
Assessment, and I hear are collecting of it.
From Hamburgh, Mar. 6.
I have heard for these ten days past, by a general assent in
all Letters from Flanders and Holland that C.S. was certainly
landed at Hull, the Army revolted, his Highness gone
to Windsor Castle, Letters gone post to the Kings of Denmark
and Sweden from C.S. and to the rest of his friends,
with the news of his good success, and to haste their assistance.
I presume you would desire as much as I do to hear
how it goes with you, to check the rambling reports of the
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