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Mercurius politicus, Number 249, 15th-22nd March 1655 E.830[23]

Gods children have escaped: this I took my self bound to acquaine
you withal, the Lord set it aright on our hearts, and help our Army
and Governors rightly to improve such a deliverance.
From Leyden March 18. stilo novo.
Its meet you should heat from me sometimes, though I have been
long silent. The Reason why I trouble you now, is the Report of a
Comet which appeared lately here; I mean yong Charls the fourth
King of Cullen, for the Papists have long enthroned and enshrined
3 Kings at Cullen, and Charls is come thither for 24th of the same litter.
From this place of Cullen he came lately down among us, to
the hous of Teyling near Leydon (as is said here) which is the greatest
Rendozvons of your Cavalry or Royalists, and our Orange-party. The
Reasons why the Princess Royal, with her son, so much delight in
this house, are chiefly two, both because the noble Lord Heavliet,
alias Kercof, alias Polyanders son &c with the Lady Stanhop, save the
charge of hous keeping by this means, else they might be at Ryswick
or at Hanslerdyck with more honour and ease; but chiefly the
Princess withdraws from the Hague, because the States of Holland,
have straitned her Lodging Rooms in the Hoff for their owne use,
which she saith belong unto her; and therefore will not come thither
agains ti[unr]l they be Restored to her, which will be done at the
Greek-Calends, or at the Feast of St Charls the second; for, there is talk
here he shall be canonized for a Saint and Martyr, if Walter Mountague
or Sir Tobie Mathews be chosen Pope now in this vacancy but
to Returu again to Teyling house, here has bin of late no small conflux
not onely of the Royall stock, the Lady Elizabeth, whom the
Princess cals one of mine Ants, and the D: of Glocester, who has as much
profit of his Dukedom, as the Aunt and Brother have of their Kingdoms;
but also a great Tayl of English Fugitives and Hacksters, and
Chaplains and Fidlers, & Gamesters of both sexes: This Tayl made
me call young Charls a Comet; they have bin marvailous merry at
Teyling, with Bals and Balets, crying Victoria in England; and indeed
as the blaze so the gaze here was great, and that in the judgment
of many potent ones; so that we sang to hear the issue among you,
which we beleeve to be bad to the Carolists, for it was told him at
Teyling, that by Letters from England to the States, it was clear his
Highness the Protector knew of young Charls his coming from Cullen,
long before he came thence, which as they tell us here, hath
made him turn back to his kingdom of Gullen, and there to enshrine
himself again with his brethren Melchier, Baltazar, and Gaspar,
because the design was known, although they gave out here that all
England was up in Arms for him, & by their healthing and dancing
drabbing and damming, you would judg all their own. But in very
sooth, upon the whole it appears that you in England are notable
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