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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

severall Edicts were verified for the Creation of
divers new Officers; as the making of 45 secretaries
more, to make up the number of a 100, 5
new Messengers, and 4 Treasurers; Besides, it
was orderd, that a new Office should be built
where Paper and Parchment may be kept for the
use of all the Secretaries, Clerks, Notaries, Advocates,
Protectors, and other Officers belonging
to Courts of Justice.
By Letters from Rome, of the 23 of the last
month, we understand, that there is no likely-hood
of having anothor pope before Easter. Little
Agreement there is among them in the Conclave,
but yet our Cardinal de Retz made a shift to preach
thrice in one week before them, in Latine.
From Pledmont, the Parts about, its written,
that the poor reformed Protestant Churches
bordering upon the Alps, within the Territories
of the Duke of Savay, do suffer miserable perfection;
for the Popish Priests have procured
the erecting an Assembly at Turin, which they
stile, The Congregation for propagating the Catholick
Faith, and extirpation of Hereticks. These tormenters
(bring a new Inquisition) have so wrought upon
the duke, bring a young man, that they procured
an Edict, declaring that all Protestants, who doe
not turn to the Popish superstition within 3 daies
after they be required thereto, shall depart their
houses, Lands, and Country, upon pain of death
without mercy, In prosecution of this edict, They
have this last winter, driven the poor Protestants
out of their houses, and posessions, without any
regard to Age or Sick, driving out great bellied
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