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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

women near the time of their delivery, others
with Infants hanging upon their Breasts, in the
midst of winter, in extreme Prost and Snow,
putting their husbands to Flight, plundering their
houses, seizing their Inheritances, and (to shew
their extreame madnes) rooting up the very
Trees upon the Grounds, making an utter desolation.
And all this by a surreptitious decree
gotten by the subtility of the Popish Priests,
against the expresse sence of many former Edicts
made in favour of the Protestants, and endowing
them with divers Immunities and Priviledges.
A matter worthy the sad and serious consideration
of all their Brethren.
Some Letters from Flanders say, that there is an
intent of marrying the Infanta of Spaine to the
King of Portugalls eldest son; as the best means to
end the warr betwixt Spain and Portugall, and reunite
the Kingdoms. But this I suspect. The King
prepares himself against the Campagne, & severall
suits of Cloths are made for him, souldier like.
Its imagined, the Court will ere long remove;
the Carninal first to the waters of Bourbon, for his
healths sake, and afterwards he is to goe with
his Majesty to Lyons, or to La-Fere in Picardie.
Here have been a certain number of persons
nominated by the King and his Councill, to goe
and take a view of all the Forests in this kingdom,
to trie if they can find out Trees enough, sit for
the building of 100 ships of warr.
The Duke of Vendosm hath given order for the
building of a Frigat of extraordinary bignes, which
will be named Legrand Vendosme.
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