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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

Ships this week arived in the Port of London.
Rochel, 1. with Pounes, Vinegar, Spirits. Roterdam,
1. with Iron, Iron-pots, Iron-wire, Copper-wire
Steel, Stone-pots, Midders, &c. Do[unr], 2: with
Stone-bottles, and Stone-pots, Renish-wire,
Madders, &c. Mayork and Allicant, 1. with Oyles
Fruit, Anniseeds, Almonds, &c. Gallitia, 1. with
Argal, Orenges and Lemonds. Callice, 1. with
Hops. Stockholm, 1. with Flax, Pitch and Tar.
Gallipily. 1. with Oyles. St. Vallieres. 1. with
Honey, Basket Rods, Wicker Baskets, and
Coopers twigs. Caen, 1. with Spirits, Prunes,
Feathers, Canvas, Paper, &c. Dublin, 1. with
Herrings, Pipestaves, and Tallow.
In all 12 Ships.
Aberdeen March 19. Last week one Col, Inverray
late of Middletons party came in and made his
peace with the Major General, he bring the last
we had left in these parts to annoy us; so that
now we are very free from any appearance of a
Common Enemy. Yesterday the Provost and
Magistrates of this Town presented a protest
against their Minister Mr. Andrew Cant, who bath
lately been a little free of his Tongue in Publick.
All our eyes look after a result of the businesse,
which when it happens you shal have an accompt.
From Stockholm in Sweden February 24.
The King being freed from that indisposition
of Body, which had staid him for some time at
Schonas, departed thence, and came the 17 of this
Month to Hel[unr]stat, and the next day to Loholm,
from whence he intends to goe to Gotenburgh,
and so to return hither, that he may be present
at the opening of the diet or Parlament.
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