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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

From Warsovia in Poland, Febr. 25.
We have received news by Letters out of the
Ukrain, that the Generals who command our
Army in those parts, having passed the river Bog
with the Tartars, they marched toward the city
of Uman with design to besiege it, or else to force
Chmielniski, General of the Cosacks to take the
Field, and endevor to relieve it. Which succeded
according to expectation; for having sat down
before the place on the 19 instant, they rose again
on 21. upon information that the said Chmielniski
was upon his march with 40000 Cosacks, and
20000 Moscovits to raise the siege. Hereupon our
Generals prepared to meet and fight them. The
Battel began on the 22 instant towards evening,
which was orderd with so much courage, that our
Enemies were routed, and received a great defeat,
retreating to their strong holds with speed,
so that having pursued them all night, ours judg'd
it best to retire to take care of the wounded, and
refresh the Army, very much incommodated by
the extremity of Frosty weather.
Prince Radzivil hath had no less success with
our Forces in Lithuania, where he has taken the
Town of Bikow by Assault, which was defended
by about 20000 Cosacks, most of which were
slain and taken prisoners. The King and Qu:
remove hence on the 16 of Aprill next to Vilna,
where they intend to keep Court till September.
From Vienna, March 2.
This day the Emperor gave Audience to the
Envoy sent from the grand Cham of Tartary, who
lately arived here with a retinue of 25 persons,
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