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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

There went many Wagons and Carts hence, laden
with Baggage for the Emperor and the Empresse,
and the Archduke Leopold Ignatius, their Son,
who intend suddenly to follow to Presbourg.
The Estates of Hungary meet with a greater
Train of Attendants than usually they have don.
The success of this Diet is expected with great
impatience because the Estates shew little sign of
any willingness to proceed to the crowning of the
Archduke, till provision be made for the preservation
of their ancient priviledges.
Count Maximilian Wallenstein, grand Chamberlain
of the Emperor, died here suddenly.
From Hamburgh March 9.
The Magistrates of the City of Minden have expressed
joy for the birth of the young Prince of
Brandenburgh, by discharging the great Gunns,
singing Te Deum, &c. The new Swedish troops
that were quarter'd in the Archbishoprick of Bremen,
begin to disband, since they had Orders sent
them to march toward Pomerania.
From Soleurre in Switzerland, March 12.
Here are many Deputies of the Cantons, with
power to present to the Sieur de la Bard, Ambassador
of France, the Treaty of Alliance which has
bin between the French and the said Cantons.
From Brussels March 20. The Sieur Colbrant
went from hence on the 15 instant, towards Hungary,
with Commission from his Majesty of Spain
to carry the Collat of the Order of the Golden
Fleece to the Archduke Leopold Ignatius the
Emperors son.
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