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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

From Hamburgh March 13.
The K. of Sweden is returned by Stockholm, &
has summoned all his privy Council; great preparations
are on foot by Sea and Land; 8 Regiments
of Horse and 5 of Foot are said to bee raised and
raising in these parts, all drawing toward Pomerania,
which makes the D. of Brandenburgh arme
for defence; and puts the Dantzickers in great
fear the Swede designs upon Prussia, or some part
near to it under the Pole; for all say they and the
Moscoviter understand one another well enough.
From Dantzick they write, the Holland Merchants
there were so confident of C. S. his Designe,
that they offred to sel goods to pay for them when
he should raign in England; and I hear not there
of an Englishman that durst undertake the bargain.
I suppose you have the newes fresher from
the Emperors Court, then I can give it you here,
they have bin busied there with the Chair of an
Ar: D: From Cullen a Friend writes tonight,
That Chancelor Hide was going for Breda; most
of C. S. servants depart also, onely Secr: Nic: is
to abide there with his goods. Its absolutely believed
the Lord Wilmot is gon for England; and
its now said that since C: S. design is dasht, he wil
return for Cullen, and so wait upon a future Diet
in Germany, which its conceived will be at Frankfort.
All C: S: followers make Holland their rendezvous.
which agrees well with the late peace.
Heres a Raport that the K: of Spain will sel Gelderland
to the Hollander for money, being his
Fleet is so uncertain; also that the Hollanders demand
a great sum of the Du: of Newburgh C: S:
great Friend.
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