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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

From Chester March 17.
We have little more since my last; the timely discovery and
watchfulness of some places, hath much disappointed the
Enemies hopes, together with the little success they have had
in other places; However it is good not to be secure, their
malice is not taken away: It is but deferred till another opportunity.
There was taken and brought to this City yesterday
two of those Gentlemen that were fled (viz.) Sir Richard
Maleverer, and one Major Walters; we had a Generall
search the last night, but no more found then the Gentlemen
before specified, and two others that are said to be their men.
From Paris March 26. 1655. stilo novo.
The King hath given command to all his Sea-Officers, to
be ready to attend the service of his Navie, which he intends
to put out to Sea. Persons are employed also into Denmark
and Sweden, to hire men of war of those Princes that we may
be in a posture for war, in case no Accommodation be made
by the treaty between France and England: there are some
that say also, they believe the Hollanders may be drawn off
from the English; though (for my part) I believe they will
not quit their Amity with that Island for the greatest Monarch
upon the Continent. But rumors of that nature are
raised by some that would have it so. Madam Dowager
of Rohan since the late decease of the Duke her husband, has
had her children taken from her by the power of the Court,
to be committed to such persons as may tutor them in the
Romish Religion; which hath caused the said Ladie to make
many Addresses and complaints to the queen about it; but all
in vain Here was a Rumor as if Marshall Tureine had
been turned Roman Catholick; and all grounded upon divers
Conferences which he is said to have had with the Jesuits and
the Doctors of Sorbonne. Yea, the Predicateur of St Nicholas
in the fields, whose name is Jolly, was so forward as to send
to Monsieur Renodot the Gazettier, an Advertisement to print
in the Gazet, to give notice to all the world, that the said
Marshal was become a Roman Catholick. Whereof notice
being given by the Gazettier to the Marshall, he declared the
Priest to be a Liar, and making complaint to the King and
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