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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

queen about it, had him soundly checkt by their Majesties and
the Cardinal for his falshood and presumption.
The Clergy were upon the point of Meeting in an Assembly,
but the King sent to prohibit it, till they should receive
new Orders from himself. We are advertised by the last
Letters from Brussels, that the Prince of Conde received lately
some Monies, and that the Duke of Witemberg was returned
back with the Levies which he made in Germany for his service.
The Duke of York and his servants give out, that his
Brother hath assuredly entred England, and was at the head
of 4000 Gentlemen. This fils all men here with expectations
of great matters to be don for him by his party, the issue
whereof is the subject of all the present discourse: the little
queen his mother, is upon her knees for success, at her Lenten
devotion, in the Nunnery of Chaliot.
From Shrewsbury March 17.
Upon Thursday morning March 8. the Governor had Intelligence
from 4 severall parts of this County, to this effect,
that there was a general insurrection intended al over Northwales,
that one Sir Arthur Blaney who was to command the
Montgomeryshire forces, was that night to have a Rendezvous
and seise on Chirk-castle; that Sir Thomas Harries was
at one of the clock at night to have a Rendezvous of severall
persons he had engaged, in his own Park, 5 miles off this place,
and was very confident of this Town and Castle that night:
Likewise that one Mr Ralph Kinaston ten miles hence had the
7 of March publickly listed 50 Troopers for the service of
Charls 2. Hereupon the Governer having but 70. foot in the
Garison in the Garison, and a troop that was commanded to
come from Hereford to his assistance, not coming in season,
he immediatly cald in all his men into the Castle, planted the
Guns as advantagiously as he could; set a file of Souldiers at
every Gate of the town that none might stir, seised of 20. the
best hors he could find in any stables, and mounted so many
of our Friends, with order to secure all persons in sir Thomas
his house and search it for Arms, which accordingly they went
about, and at their coming to Boratton, found some trying to
escape, wherof 2 got clear away, some endeavouring to make
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