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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

resistance, but finding themselves over powered, yeelded upon
quarter; there were taken [unr] himself and about five
Gentlemen more, some [unr] many case of Pistols, 7 of
them found hid under stra[unr], the Baen, and a little barrell of
Gunpowder, a good quantity [unr] Bullets in his study, new made
of Lead took from off his house: He confidently, for all this
denies any design he had against this Garison; but Ralph Kinaston
being taken by Redcastle forces, hath confessed the
whole business, and that the way intended for the surprise of
the Castle was thus; About 4 of the clock in the afternoon,
March 8. there were two Gentlemen appointed that knew
the Castle, and two other Gentlemen in womens apparell,
and two Serving-men to attend them, who should enter the
Castle (under the pretence of shewing the Castle to the pretended
Gentlewomen) to keep the Gates open and the bridg
down until a party designed to seise upon the Castle, should
rush out of certain Alehouses neer unto the Castle, where
they were to be ready at the discharging of a Pistol. The Governor
has seised on all the eminent Cavaliers in this County,
and finds good cause of suspicion against most of them, but they act
very warily; and he had certain Intelligence the Milignants left unseized,
were very high, and had taken new courage, seeing so small
Forces in the Town; and as we are credibly informed, did intend a
fresh to stir, but I believe the arival here of Commis:gen: Reynolds
has quite dashed those thoughts who hath Commission to settle
this place and all Northwales before his return.
From Dover, Mar. 15.
Sir, I could not but let you know my safe return from
Brest. I was almost five weeks in the place; during which
time the Irish party there who sail with a pretended Commission
from the Duke of York, sent and brought in those
Prizes following. The Valentine Frigat of Plimouth 40 tons
4 peece of ordnance, laden with Dry-fish, Iron and other
goods, from thence bound to Lixbon. The [unr] of Dublin
of about 35 tons from Rochel thither with Wine, Vinegar,
Prunes and Rozen. A small West-country man of 15 tons
laden with Iron from Bilboa bound home. Into port Lewis
there was carried a West-country man laden with Wheat
from England to Lixbon; and into Ruscoo there was carried
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